Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Report: Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP)

Project Overview

The Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP) aims to enhance potato farming value addition and processing in Kapelabiyong, Akomit Sub County, Teso Northern Region of Uganda. The project, hosted and implemented by Destiny Community Development Initiative, brings together 110 participants, including 60 young people and 50 elderly individuals.

Skills and Knowledge Transfer

The participants underwent a comprehensive 3-day training program covering various aspects of potato farming:

  1. Bag and Container Potato Farming:

    • Participants learned techniques for growing potatoes in bags and other containers. This method is particularly useful for urban and small-scale farmers with limited space.
    • Proper soil preparation, seed placement, and watering were emphasized.
  2. Open Field Potato Farming Practices:

    • Understanding open field practices is crucial for maximizing potato yields. Topics covered included soil management, spacing, and crop rotation.
    • Pest and disease control strategies were discussed to ensure healthy potato crops.
  3. Seed Selection and Varieties:

    • The importance of selecting high-quality seed potatoes was highlighted. Different varieties suitable for the local climate were introduced.
    • Participants gained insights into disease-resistant varieties and their benefits.
  4. Biosecurity Measures:

    • Biosecurity protocols were explained to prevent the spread of pests and diseases.
    • Quarantine procedures and hygiene practices were emphasized.
  5. Harvesting and Handling:

    • Proper timing and techniques for potato harvesting were demonstrated.
    • Safe handling practices were discussed to minimize post-harvest losses.
  6. Value Addition and Processing:

    • Participants explored ways to add value to their potato produce. This included processing into chips, fries, and other products.
    • Market opportunities for processed potato products were explored.
  7. Practical Sessions:

    • On the third day, participants engaged in practical sessions on open field potato farming and grow bag potato farming.
    • Hands-on experience reinforced the theoretical knowledge gained during the training.

Impact and Next Steps

The RUAIPP equips participants with essential skills to enhance potato production, contribute to food security, and improve livelihoods. Going forward, continuous support, monitoring, and knowledge-sharing will be essential for sustained success.🌱🥔📝

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Uganda Herbal Plants, Medicinal properties and Purposes

Lantana Camara & Pellitory Of The Wall:

Lets explore the rich tapestry of traditional herbal medicine, plants like Pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria officinalis) and Lantana Camara stand out for their historical and potential medicinal properties. While Pellitory-of-the-wall has been valued for its diuretic, respiratory, and urinary health benefits1, Lantana Camara is recognized for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and possible anticancer activities2

These plants embody the wisdom of nature and the potential for natural healing. However, it’s important to approach herbal remedies with both curiosity and caution. The information available is a starting point for understanding, not an end. I encourage readers and users to delve deeper into scientific research and consult healthcare professionals to fully grasp the potential and limitations of these fascinating plants. Their stories are not just rooted in tradition but are also being unwoven in modern research, offering a blend of past knowledge and future possibilities. Let’s continue to read, learn, and grow in our understanding of the natural world’s healing gifts.


Lantana camara for both people and animals. I'll provide a comprehensive list, organized by category:



Lantana Camara

1. Medicinal Benefits for People:


   - Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Lantana camara exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, making it useful for managing conditions involving inflammation.

   - Antioxidant Activity: The plant contains compounds with antioxidant properties, protecting cells from oxidative damage.

   - Antimicrobial Effects: Lantana camara has shown activity against certain pathogens, potentially aiding in managing infections.

   - Analgesic (Pain-Relieving) Effects: It may provide relief from pain due to its analgesic properties.

   - Sedative Properties: Some studies suggest sedative effects, promoting relaxation and better sleep.

   - Hepatoprotective Benefits: Lantana camara can protect the liver from damage.

   - Traditional Uses: Historically, it has been used to treat malaria, chickenpox, asthma, ulcers, swelling, eczema, tumors, high blood pressure, bilious fever, sores, measles, fevers, and colds⁶.


2. Medicinal Benefits for Animals:


   - Antiparasitic Properties: Lantana camara has been used traditionally to manage parasites in  


   - Wound Healing: The plant's leaves and extracts have been applied to wounds and skin conditions in animals⁵.

   - Digestive Aid: Some farmers use Lantana camara to support digestion in livestock⁵.


3. How to Use Lantana camara:


Contact Author 


   - Caution: While Lantana camara has beneficial properties, it can also be toxic to livestock if consumed in large quantities. Proper dosage and supervision are essential.


For your students, emphasize the importance of responsible use, understanding toxicity risks, and consulting experts before using Lantana camara. It's a fascinating plant with potential benefits, but proper knowledge is crucial.


Pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria officinalis) 

Pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria officinalis) is a fascinating herb with several medicinal properties.  Let’s delve into the details of the health benefits of Pellitory-of-the-wall (Parietaria officinalis) and explain each point:



Diuretic Properties:

  1.  How it works: Pellitory-of-the-wall contains flavonoids and potassium, which are known to enhance urine production1. This diuretic effect can help the body eliminate excess fluids and can be particularly beneficial for conditions associated with water retention.

2. Urinary Tract Health: This herb is useful for treating kidney stones (calculi) by preventing mineral retention. It also helps with renal inflammations (nephritis) and urinary bladder issues (cystitis) due to its soothing mucilages¹.

3. Benefits: It’s used to support the treatment of obesity, diabetes, cellulitis, gout, arthritis, and high uric acid levels1.

Urinary Tract Health:

1. Kidney Stones: The herb helps in treating kidney stones by promoting the elimination of minerals, thus preventing their retention and the formation of stones1.

2. Renal Inflammations: Its mucilages have soothing properties that can aid in the treatment of nephritis (renal inflammations) and cystitis (urinary bladder issues)1.

Circulatory System Support:

1. Water Retention Issues: By facilitating the removal of excess fluids, Pellitory-of-the-wall can assist in managing conditions related to water retention, such as edema, poor circulation, and high blood pressure1.

Pectoral Properties:

1. Respiratory Support: Apart from its diuretic benefits, the herb is also valued for its role in treating bronchial conditions like bronchitis and asthma, likely due to its anti-inflammatory properties1.

2. Expectorant Action:It helps in loosening phlegm and facilitating its expulsion from the airways, thus providing relief from coughs and aiding in the clearance of mucus2.

3. Antioxidant Components: The presence of flavonoids in Pellitory-of-the-wall provides antioxidant benefits, which can help protect the respiratory system from oxidative stress and inflammatio


                For dosages and more Contact writer

It’s important to note that while these properties are traditionally attributed to Pellitory-of-the-wall, scientific evidence may be limited. Therefore, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using this herb for medicinal purposes, especially to determine the appropriate dosage and to ensure it doesn’t interact with other medications or conditions you may have. Always use herbal remedies responsibly and under professional guidance.


Monday, May 13, 2024

Mindsets Change: The RUIAPP Transformation



As the Executive President and Founder of Farmer’s Pride International, I’ve witnessed firsthand the power of mindset transformation. By teaching farmers the importance of shifting their perspectives, we’ve unlocked a world of possibilities. No longer mere subsistence cultivators, they now see themselves as stewards of prosperity. Here’s how our groundbreaking Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUIAPP) is rewriting their narratives:

Mindset Change: The Catalyst

From Subsistence to Prosperity

In dusty village squares and humble homes, we’ve sown the seeds of change. By embracing a growth mindset, our farmers now view agriculture as a dynamic, profitable venture—a path to economic independence. Here’s how RUIAPP is fostering this transformation:

  1. Belief in Agriculture: Farmers no longer see farming as a struggle for survival. Instead, they recognize its potential for growth and prosperity.

  2. Innovation Mindset: RUIAPP encourages curiosity and innovation. Our farmers experiment with new techniques, explore climate-smart practices, and adapt to changing landscapes.

  3. Community Bonds: Mindset change isn’t solitary; it’s communal. As farmers shift their perspectives, entire villages rally together. They share knowledge, celebrate successes, and weather challenges as one.

Promoting Sustainable Agriculture

Agroecology and Beyond

Our commitment to sustainability reverberates across fields and orchards. Here’s how RUIAPP is making a difference:

  1. Agroecological Practices: Farmers learn to work with nature, not against it. Crop rotation, organic fertilizers, and natural pest control enhance soil health and biodiversity.

  2. Climate Resilience: RUIAPP equips farmers to tackle climate change head-on. Drought-resistant crops, water-saving techniques, and soil conservation mitigate risks.

  3. Women at the Forefront: Gender equality isn’t an afterthought; it’s integral. Women receive equal training, access to resources, and decision-making power.

Potato Farming: A Flavorful Journey

From Earth to Table

Potatoes—the humble tubers—are now agents of transformation:

  1. Modern Techniques: RUIAPP introduces farmers to precision planting, efficient irrigation, and disease management. Yields soar, incomes rise.

  2. Value Addition: Beyond harvest, RUIAPP encourages value addition. From crispy chips to golden fries, potatoes find new avatars. Local markets thrive.

  3. Processing Infrastructure: RUIAPP invests in processing units. Dehydrated flakes, frozen products—the possibilities are endless.


As RUIAPP spreads its roots, remember that every transformed farmer carries our vision forward. Together, we cultivate abundance—one mindset at a time.

For more information, visit the official RUIAPP page. If you need further adjustments or additional details, feel free to ask! 😊🌱🌍

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Day Report: Rural And Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP) Implementation

     Hunter at work.

Location: Uganda, Alteso (subcounty of Akiromit, Teso region, Northern Uganda)

Host and Implementing Partner Organization: Destiny Community Development Initiative (DECODI)

Day 1:

  • Attendance:

    • 44 women
    • 2 children under 10 years
    • 4 men
  • Topics Covered:

    1. Introduction to Farmer’s Pride Internationals:
      • Participants were introduced to the Farmer’s Pride Internationals program, emphasizing its goals and objectives.
    2. Mindset Change Session:
      • A session focused on cultivating a positive mindset among participants. This is crucial for sustainable agricultural practices.
    3. Agriculture-Based Clusters:
      • Clusters were discussed as a way to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among farmers.
    4. Global Potato Overview:
      • An overview of potato cultivation worldwide, including its significance and potential.
    5. Growing Potatoes in Different Ways:
      • Various methods of potato cultivation were explored, considering soil types, climate, and available resources.
    6. Health Benefits of the Potato Plant:
      • Participants learned about the nutritional value of potatoes and their positive impact on health.
    7. Bill of Quantities, Production, and Processing Profits:
      • Practical insights into calculating production costs, yields, and potential profits from potato farming.
    8. Assignment:
      • Participants were given an assignment related to the day’s topics.

Day 2 (Upcoming):

  • Topics to Be Covered:
    1. Soul Types and Characteristics:
      • Understanding different potato varieties and their unique characteristics.
    2. Potato Types and Varieties:
      • Detailed exploration of various potato types, including their duration of maturity.
    3. Watering, Pest, and Disease Management:
      • Best practices for maintaining healthy potato crops.
    4. Growing Potatoes on the Farm:
      • Practical guidance on cultivating potatoes in the field.
    5. Profits According to Field Size:
      • Strategies for optimizing profits based on the size of the cultivated area.
    6. Harvesting and Processing:
      • Efficient methods for harvesting and post-harvest processing.

Thank you for your commitment to sustainable agriculture and empowering farmers! If you need any further assistance, feel free to ask. 🌱🌾🚜

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Day 2 of the RUAIPP Workshop: Cultivating Knowledge and Celebration


On the sun-kissed grounds of the community school in Olekat, Akiron Sub County, Teso Northern Region of Uganda the second day of the Rural And Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP) workshop unfolded. Participants, fueled by curiosity and a shared passion for agriculture, gathered to delve deeper into the world of potatoes.

Here’s a glimpse of the transformative day:

  1. Potato Varieties, Colors, and Types:

    • Facilitators led engaging sessions on the diverse array of potato varieties. From the starchy Russets to the waxy Reds, participants learned about each type’s unique characteristics, culinary uses, and market demand.
    • The vibrant colors—white, yellow, purple—were explored, sparking discussions about nutrition, flavor profiles, and consumer preferences. Some even marveled at the idea of purple mashed potatoes!
  2. Planting Techniques: Bags and Open Fields:

    • In the shade of a sprawling tree, participants huddled around demonstration plots. Their hands dug into soil, connecting with the earth as they learned how to plant potatoes.
    • Bags—those humble containers—became vessels of potential. Participants discovered the art of container gardening, planting seed potatoes in sacks filled with rich soil. The promise of homegrown spuds hung in the air.
    • But the open field beckoned too. Rows were marked, and seedlings found their place. The sun watched approvingly as hands gently tucked potatoes into the soil, like secrets whispered to the earth.
  3. Biosecurity and Quality Assurance:

    • Amidst the rustling leaves, discussions turned serious. Biosecurity—the safeguarding of crops against pests and diseases—became the focal point.
    • Participants learned about best practices: crop rotation, pest-resistant varieties, and vigilant monitoring. They vowed to protect their potato fields like guardians of a precious treasure.
    • Quality assurance wasn’t forgotten. The importance of grading, proper storage, and post-harvest handling echoed through the classroom. After all, a healthy harvest begins with care from seed to table.
  4. Quantities and Profits: The Business Side:

    • Calculators emerged, and minds shifted from soil to spreadsheets. How many bags of potatoes per acre? What yield could they expect?
    • Discussions on pricing, market channels, and profit margins buzzed like bees around a flower. The business of farming—where earth meets economics—came alive.
    • Eyes sparkled as participants envisioned thriving potato enterprises, supporting families and communities.
  5. Joy and Celebration:

    • As the sun dipped low, casting a golden hue over the fields, something magical happened. Music played—a lively tune that seemed to rise from the very soil.
    • Participants, their hands still bearing traces of earth, formed a circle. They danced—their feet tapping rhythms of growth, resilience, and shared dreams.
    • Laughter mingled with the scent of freshly turned soil. The end of day 2 was not just an endpoint; it was a celebration of newfound knowledge, camaraderie, and the promise of abundant harvests.

And so, in that community school, where chalkboards met potato plants and hearts touched possibility, day 2 etched itself into memory. The miracle baby born on day 1 had unwittingly become a symbol—a reminder that life, like a sprouting tuber, holds infinite potential.

As the stars blinked into existence, participants swayed to the rhythm of their shared journey. Tomorrow awaited—the promise of day 3, where roots would dig deeper, minds would expand, and the legacy of potatoes would continue.


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Botswana Potato Farmers Round Table & Retraining Event June 2024

Dear Potato Farmers of Botswana,

You’re cordially invited to a transformative event that celebrates the spirit of agriculture and knowledge sharing. Join us for three enriching days when we’ll delve into the world of potato farming, exchange experiences, and build lasting connections.

Event Details:

  • Location: Sahara Stones Hotel, Palapye, Central District, Botswana
  • Dates:  27 to 29 June 2024 
  • Time: 8 to 4pm each day 
    • Day 1 (Round Table): Engage in thought-provoking discussions with fellow farmers, experts, and enthusiasts. Share your challenges, successes, and innovations.
    • Day 2 (Retraining on Potato Farming): Dive deep into practical knowledge. Learn about the latest techniques, disease management, and sustainable practices.
    • Day 3 (Practicals at the Farm): Roll up your sleeves! Visit a local potato farm just 10 kilometres from the venue. Get hands-on experience and witness best practices in action.


  • Fee: P300 for individual farmers (includes meals during the event)
  • P2000 for corporates. 
  • P500 per person for cooperatives.
  • P2500 for advertising 
  • Accommodation: Participants are responsible for booking their own accommodation. 
  • Explore nearby BnBs or stay at the Sahara Stones Hotel for convenience.

Certificates Issuance:

During the same period, we shall be issuing out certificates for those who have been trained by FPI from year 2022 to year 2024

Bankers Presence: 

Come and meet with bank representatives

Media Coverage:

  • BTV and Yarona TV will capture the essence of our discussions, insights, and shared wisdom. Be part of this exciting broadcast!

Why Attend?

  • Come and hear about agriculture investors coming to Botswana from China
  • Learn from Others: Hear first-hand experiences from successful potato farmers in Botswana. Discover their secrets to high yields, pest control, and market access.
  • Global Perspectives: Gain insights into potato farming practices from around the world. What can we learn from other countries? Let’s find out!
  • Motivation and Networking: Connect with like-minded individuals. Build a network that extends beyond this event.
FOR BOOKINGS: Call: Acting Country Keneilwe +267 71458277, Mr Era: +267 71687299,                                                                                  Thatafatso +267 71323289


Don’t miss this opportunity to grow, learn, and contribute to the agricultural community in Botswana. Let’s cultivate a brighter future together! 🌱🌍🥔

DECODI & Chicken's Hope Chest Comprehensive Training for Potato Farming Extension Workers

.                    FPI, DECODI & Hope Chest officials 

Farmer’s Pride Internationals in collaboration with DECODI (Development Community Initiative) and Children’s Hope Chest. The training took place in Soroti, a region in Teso, Northern Uganda. Here’s what was covered:

  1. Potato Cultivation Techniques:

    • Soil Preparation and Fertilization: Extension workers learned about soil types suitable for potato farming, how to prepare the soil, and the importance of proper fertilization.
    • Seed Selection and Planting Methods: Participants explored best practices for selecting high-quality potato seeds and effective planting techniques.
    • Pest and Disease Management: The training emphasized identifying common pests and diseases affecting potato crops and implementing preventive measures.
    • Irrigation Practices: Extension workers gained insights into efficient irrigation methods to optimize potato yield.
  2. Value Addition and Processing:

    • Post-Harvest Handling and Storage: Participants learned how to handle harvested potatoes to minimize losses and maintain quality.
    • Quality Control and Grading: The training covered grading standards and quality assessment.
    • Potato Processing Techniques: Extension workers explored methods for making potato chips, fries, and flour, adding value to the produce.
    • Market-Oriented Approaches: The session highlighted strategies to enhance the market value of potatoes.
  3. Sustainable Farming Practices:

    • Conservation Agriculture: Extension workers discussed practices that promote soil health, such as minimal soil disturbance and cover cropping.
    • Crop Rotation and Intercropping: Participants learned about crop rotation to prevent soil depletion and intercropping for better land utilization.
    • Organic Farming Methods: The training emphasized eco-friendly approaches to potato cultivation.
    • Water Conservation Strategies: Extension workers explored ways to conserve water resources.
  4. Extension Services and Communication:

    • Effective Communication with Farmers: Participants were trained on clear communication techniques to engage with local farmers.
    • Conducting Field Demonstrations: Extension workers practiced demonstrating farming techniques to farmers.
    • Record-Keeping and Data Management: The training covered maintaining accurate records for monitoring and evaluation.
    • Building Trust and Rapport with the Community: Extension workers learned how to establish strong relationships with farmers.

Way Forward:

  • Smart Objectives: Extension workers will set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives related to potato farming support.
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Points:
    • Regular monitoring will assess progress toward objectives.
    • Evaluation will identify areas for improvement.
    • Learning points will be shared among extension workers to enhance their effectiveness.

By empowering extension workers with knowledge and skills, this training aims to create a thriving potato farming community in Soroti, contributing to improved livelihoods and sustainable agricultural practices1. 🌱🥔

Report: Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP)

Project Overview The Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP) aims to enhance potato farming value addition and pr...