Monday, July 29, 2024

Hunter’s Remarkable Journey:


From Youth to Global Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Fatherhood

In the quiet corridors of time, where memories echo like distant whispers, Hunter’s story unfolds—a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, ambition, and unwavering purpose. Let us delve into the chapters of his extraordinary life.

1. The Awakening of Body, Mind, and Spirit

Hunter emerged into the world, a fragile vessel of flesh and bone. His body bore the imprints of childhood scrapes and teenage adventures, but it was his mind—the fertile soil—that truly blossomed. Curiosity fueled his days, and he devoured books, seeking wisdom beyond the mundane.

In the stillness before dawn, Hunter communed with his spirit. Beneath star-studded skies, he pondered existence, wrestled with questions, and glimpsed the vastness of the universe. His spirit yearned for purpose, a beacon to guide him through life’s labyrinth.

2. The Entrepreneurial Ascent

As the sun climbed higher, so did Hunter’s ambitions. He stepped onto the entrepreneurial path, fueled by equal parts audacity and uncertainty. His ventures were like seeds planted in fertile soil—some sprouted, others withered. Yet, he persisted, learning from failures, recalibrating strategies, and nurturing resilience.

Hunter’s office became a theater of dreams—a place where ideas danced, contracts materialized, and deals were struck. He wore the mantle of a businessperson, navigating treacherous waters with a compass forged from intuition and market trends. Successes adorned his walls, but the scars of setbacks etched deeper lessons.

3. The Rite of Fatherhood

In the quietude of a nursery, Hunter cradled his newborn. Tiny fingers curled around his, and he marveled at life’s fragility. Fatherhood—a mantle heavier than any business suit—beckoned him. Sleepless nights blurred into days, and he discovered love’s raw vulnerability—the kind that transcends balance sheets and profit margins.

Hunter’s heart expanded, accommodating both joy and fear. He taught his child to walk, not just on wobbly legs but also along the corridors of empathy and compassion. He whispered bedtime stories, weaving morality into fairytales, and watched as innocence collided with the world’s complexities.

4. The Global Visionary: Executive President and Founder

Hunter’s metamorphosis was complete. His body bore the marks of time—a roadmap of laughter lines and weathered skin. His mind, a library of experiences, held both triumphs and regrets. And his spirit? It soared, unshackled by doubts, anchored by purpose.

As the International Executive President and Founder of Farmer’s Pride International (FPI), Hunter championed the Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP). In 2013, he authored this visionary program, which focuses on rural and urban development, youth and women’s economic empowerment, and agrifood production.

FPI, once a Zimbabwe-founded NGO, has now spread its roots across +45 countries on 7 continents. With headquarters in Botswana, satellite offices in the USA and South Africa, and a global presence, FPI implements an African agribusiness model—the Agriculture Based Cluster (ABC) farming. This model leverages social capital, networking farming communities, and brings sustainable solutions to global food shortages.

Through RUAIPP, Hunter envisions knowledge-based agriculture initiatives, field and on-farm skills schools, and evidence-based hunger alleviation strategies. His legacy intertwines with the earth, nurturing growth, resilience, and hope.

“To be, or not to be: that is the question.” Shakespeare’s words echo anew, for Hunter has chosen—to sow, not merely reap. His purpose, a North Star, guides him through life’s tempests.

And as the sun dips below the horizon, Hunter whispers to the stars, “Wow!” 🌟🌿🌎 #LifeJourney #Entrepreneurship #Fatherhood #GlobalLeadership 123

Hunter’s journey is truly inspiring! 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Potato Farming Value Addition and Processing Workshop

Workshop Report: Rural and Urban Agriculture Innovative Production Program (RUAIPP) Project: **

Location: Gaborone  

Venue: University of Botswana  

Date: July 19-20, 2024  

Number of Participants: 65  


The workshop on potato farming value addition and processing, held under the RUAIPP initiative, was a resounding success. It brought together 65 participants from both rural and urban backgrounds, all keen to enhance their knowledge and skills in modern agricultural practices, specifically focused on potato farming. 

Topics Covered:  

1. God as a Farmer (Deuteronomy 2:8): A unique perspective on agriculture through biblical references, emphasizing the divine connection to farming.

2. Agriculture in the Face of God: Exploring the spiritual and ethical dimensions of agriculture.

3. Introduction to FPI (Framers' Pride International): An overview of the FPI, its goals, and its relevance to modern farming practices.

4. Mindset Change: Encouraging participants to adopt innovative and entrepreneurial approaches to farming.

5. Introduction to Potato Farming: Basics of potato farming, including its history and significance.

6. Global Perspective on Potato Farming: Insights into how different countries approach potato farming, highlighting successful international practices.

7. Social, Health, and Economic Benefits of the Potato : Discussing the nutritional value, health benefits, and economic impact of potato farming.

8. Growing Potatoes in Different Containers: Techniques for cultivating potatoes in various environments, suitable for both urban and rural settings.

9. Potato Types, Varieties, Categories, and Generations: Detailed information on the different classifications of potatoes.

10. Soil Preparation and Seed Selection: Best practices for preparing the soil and selecting high-quality seeds for optimal yield.

11. Plant and Disease Management: Strategies to protect potato crops from pests and diseases.

12. Potato Life Cycle: Understanding the growth stages of potatoes from planting to harvesting.

13. Biosecurity Measures: Implementing measures to prevent the spread of pests and diseases in potato farming.

14. Planting Techniques: Effective methods for planting potatoes to ensure healthy growth.

15. Fertilizing and Additives: Guidance on the use of fertilizers and additives to enhance soil fertility and crop yield.

16. Watering Practices: Tips on proper irrigation techniques to maintain soil moisture.

17. Harvesting Techniques: Best practices for harvesting potatoes to maximize yield and quality.

18. Value Addition: Exploring ways to add value to potato products through processing and marketing.

Key Outcomes:  

-Enhanced Knowledge: Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of modern potato farming techniques.

- Skill Development: Practical sessions and hands-on training equipped participants with the skills needed for effective potato farming.

- Networking Opportunities: The workshop provided a platform for participants to connect with experts and fellow farmers, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.

- Resource Materials: Attendees received detailed resource materials, including guides and manuals, to support their farming practices post-workshop.

Upcoming Practical Session:  

On July 21, 2024, participants will engage in a practical session at Gakuto, a local farm. This hands-on experience will allow them to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the workshop. Activities will include:

- Demonstrating soil preparation and seed planting techniques.

- Practicing disease management and biosecurity measures.

- Implementing watering and fertilizing strategies.

- Observing and participating in the harvesting process.

- Exploring methods for value addition through potato processing.


The workshop on potato farming value addition and processing was an invaluable experience for all participants. It successfully combined theoretical knowledge with practical skills, paving the way for innovative and sustainable agricultural practices. The positive feedback from attendees highlights the workshop's effectiveness in promoting potato farming as a viable and profitable venture. The upcoming practical session promises to further solidify the participants' learning and application of the techniques discussed.


- Follow-up Workshops: Organize regular follow-up workshops to continue building on the knowledge and skills of participants.

- Support Systems: Establish support systems, such as mentorship programs and farmer cooperatives, to assist participants in implementing what they have learned.

- Monitoring and Evaluation: Conduct periodic assessments to evaluate the impact of the workshop on participants' farming practices and productivity.

- Resource Accessibility: Ensure that participants have ongoing access to resources and expert advice to address challenges they may encounter in their farming endeavors.

The RUAIPP initiative remains committed to empowering farmers through education, innovation, and collaboration, ultimately contributing to the agricultural development and food security of the region.


(According to Farmer’s Pride research) Current Production and Demand Current Production : Botswana’s current potato production ...